
Ms. Maria Hancock

T: 01273 480510  |  mhancock@westgate-chambers.co.uk

‘Maria is everything I want when I instruct Counsel. Her legal knowledge is unrivalled. Her conduct with clients and other legal professionals is unmatched. She will fight hard for her clients, and she puts them at the centre of everything she does, so very well.’

A senior junior and experienced leading junior, who regularly appears alongside Kings Counsel.

Maria quickly inspires confidence in professional and lay clients with her thorough knowledge of relevant law and procedure, excellent oral and written advocacy and calm but authoritative manner. At the same time as being an effective advocate, Maria is extremely approachable

Maria is also a trained Children’s Arbitrator. Her skills are utilised to bring proceedings to an efficient conclusion, without parties having to deal with the large backlog the Court service are presently dealing with.

Channel Islands, East Midlands, East of England, Isle of Man, North East, North West, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands, Yorkshire and The Humber