- Big Money Assets
- Children Financial Disputes
- Civil Partnership
- Cohabitation Claims
- Family or Small Business
- Farming Cases
- Finances and Foreign Divorce
- Inheritance Act Claims
- Middle Range Assets
- Modest Assets
- Offshore Assets
Paul Infield
T: 0207 421 8019 | pinfield@36family.co.uk
COVID-19 UPDATE: In order to prevent unnecessary, potentially dangerous, physical interactions, parties should consider entirely virtual arbitrations.
Paul offers state-of-the-art video-conferencing facilities so that the parties can arbitrate from separate locations, and each side can take advantage of separate confidential video-conferencing. No extra cost is charged for this service.
Paul is a highly experienced specialist family finance barrister with a background in commercial law. As well as his practice and his work as an arbitrator, he is a mediator and an executive trainer with Duke Corporate Education, running mock trial scenarios for multinational corporations across the world.
His chambers, 36 Family, have a top-quality Dispute Resolution suite, offering both a hearing room and break-out rooms for both sides in the arbitration.
Paul has conducted a number of arbitrations concerning both financial relief and TOLATA.
Paul is the co-author of ‘The Law of Harassment & Stalking’ (Butterworths, 2000), as well as a number of articles, and he has broadcast extensively, particularly about the law against stalking.