
Rebecca Foulkes

T: 02074275200  |  rf@4pb.com

Rebecca is a specialist in children law with expertise in legally and factually complex and challenging cases. She has represented clients in all levels of court, including the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, and has appeared in many reported cases.

Rebecca has been a barrister since 2001 and practises exclusively in children law. She has been a part-time judge since 2015 and sits regularly as a Recorder in the Family Court.

She has built up significant experience in all types of children cases, both as a barrister and as a judge, including cases involving intractable disputes about child arrangements, cases where one of the parents proposes to relocate, parental disputes about educational arrangements and disputes within alternative family structures. She also has extensive experience of cases requiring expert assessment and cases where the child has additional needs arising from learning difficulties, physical disability, or emotional and behavioural difficulties.

Barrister, Part-time Judge
East Midlands, East of England, London, North East, North West, South East, South West, Wales, West Midlands, Yorkshire and The Humber